My Glorious

Achieving Self-Control!

March 17, 2010

About: Uncategorized

Bible Memorization Verse of the Week:

Heb. 12:11 “Discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Have you ever been really angry?  Sometimes in your life you may get angry at people.  These people may be your parents, friends, even your brother or sisters.  Do not fear! Feeling angry is normal and a human emotion.  We all feel angry sometimes.  But, even though feeling angry may be normal, if you cannot control your anger, it is not good!  Self-control is feeling angry but not letting your temper control you.  But, it is not easy!  Self-control is a virtue, but with God, you can achieve self-control!  All things are possible with God.  Here is how to acquire self-control in your life.

  1. Know Your Worth-Self-control begins by knowing your worth as a person and the worth of others.  When your goal is to serve the good of yourself and others, you have discovered self-control!
  2. Communicate-When you get your feelings hurt, you need to tell someone how you feel.  Before you get really angry and lose control, you must ask yourself, “Why do I feel this way?  Why am I really angry?”, and find the answer.  Talk to your parents or someone you trust about how you feel and why you feel the way you do.
  3. Ask God for Grace- Self-control is a life full of grace and God wants you to live a “grace-full” life.  To receive this grace, give God all your hurt, pain, and anger.  God is love and love is highest power in this world.  Love is also the healing power to help you receive self-control.  With God, all things are possible!

Think about it this week!

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